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Chariton Stepanov
Chariton Stepanov

Download psybnc2.3.1.exe (Windrop) - SourceForge

What is FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

If you are an avid user of IRC (Internet Relay Chat), you might have come across a file called FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe. But what is this file and what does it do? In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about this file, including what it is, how it works, how to download and install it, how to use it, and how to troubleshoot it.

FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe

FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe is a Windows port of psyBNC, which is a popular IRC bouncer program that allows you to connect to multiple IRC servers and channels at the same time, and keep your connection alive even when you are offline.

By using FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, you can enjoy many benefits such as:

  • Having a permanent presence on IRC without having to keep your computer or device online all the time

  • Being able to access your chat history and messages from any device or location

  • Being able to switch between different servers, channels, and users with ease

  • Being able to encrypt and decrypt your messages for extra security and privacy

  • Being able to customize and configure your IRC experience according to your preferences

However, FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe also has some drawbacks, such as:

  • Being potentially vulnerable to malware or hacking attacks if not downloaded from a trusted source or protected by a strong password

  • Being incompatible with some IRC servers or clients that do not support psyBNC features or protocols

  • Being illegal or unethical in some cases if used to evade bans, spam, or impersonate other users

In this article, we will help you weigh the pros and cons of using FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, and guide you through the process of downloading, installing, using, and troubleshooting it. So, let's get started!

What is psyBNC?

Before we dive into the details of FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, let's first understand what psyBNC is and how it works. psyBNC is an acronym for psychedelic Broadcast Network Connector, which is a program that acts as an IRC bouncer.

What is an IRC bouncer?

An IRC bouncer is a program that connects to an IRC server on your behalf and keeps your connection alive even when you are offline. It also allows you to connect to multiple IRC servers and channels at the same time, and access your chat history and messages from any device or location.

An IRC bouncer works by creating a proxy between you and the IRC server. When you connect to the IRC bouncer, it connects to the IRC server for you and relays the messages between you and the server. When you disconnect from the IRC bouncer, it stays connected to the IRC server and logs the messages for you. When you reconnect to the IRC bouncer, it sends you the messages that you missed while you were offline.

An IRC bouncer also allows you to use different nicknames, passwords, and settings for different servers and channels. You can switch between them easily by using commands or menus on the IRC bouncer.

What are the benefits of using psyBNC?

psyBNC is one of the most popular and widely used IRC bouncers in the world. It has many features and benefits that make it stand out from other IRC bouncers, such as:

  • It supports multiple connections to different servers and channels at the same time.

  • It supports symmetric ciphering, which allows you to encrypt and decrypt your messages with a password.

  • It supports virtual hosting, which allows you to use different IP addresses for different connections.

  • It supports scripting, which allows you to automate tasks or customize your IRC experience with scripts.

  • It supports DCC (Direct Client-to-Client), which allows you to send and receive files or chat privately with other users.

  • It supports SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), which allows you to encrypt your connection with the IRC server.

  • It supports IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6), which allows you to use the latest version of the Internet protocol.

  • It supports SOCKS (Socket Secure), which allows you to use a proxy server to connect to the IRC server.

  • It supports HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which allows you to access your IRC bouncer through a web browser.

  • It supports Telnet (Teletype Network), which allows you to access your IRC bouncer through a command-line interface.

What are the drawbacks of using psyBNC?

Despite its many advantages, psyBNC also has some disadvantages or risks that you should be aware of before using it, such as:

  • It may be infected with malware or viruses if not downloaded from a trusted source or scanned for malware before running.

  • It may be hacked or compromised by malicious actors if not protected by a strong password or firewall.

  • It may be incompatible with some IRC servers or clients that do not support psyBNC features or protocols.

  • It may be illegal or unethical in some cases if used to evade bans, spam, or impersonate other users.

How to download and install FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

If you have decided to use FULL Psybnc2. 3.1.exe, you need to download and install it on your Windows computer. Here are the steps to do so:

Where to download FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

There are many sources and links to download FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe on the Internet, but not all of them are reliable or safe. Some of them may contain malware or viruses, or offer outdated or modified versions of the file. Therefore, you should be careful and choose a trusted source to download the file.

One of the most trusted sources to download FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe is the official website of psyBNC, which is Here, you can find the latest and original version of the file, as well as other information and documentation about psyBNC.

To download FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe from the official website, follow these steps:

  • Go to and click on the "Downloads" tab.

  • Scroll down to the "Windows" section and click on the "FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe" link.

  • Save the file to your desired location on your computer.

How to verify the authenticity and safety of FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

Before you run FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, you should verify that it is authentic and safe. This means that it is not infected with malware or viruses, and that it matches the original version of the file from the official source.

To verify the authenticity and safety of FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, you can use two methods: checking the file size and MD5 checksum, and scanning for malware.

Checking the file size and MD5 checksum

The file size and MD5 checksum are two indicators that can help you determine if the file is authentic and unmodified. The file size is the amount of space that the file occupies on your computer, measured in bytes. The MD5 checksum is a unique code that is generated from the contents of the file, using a mathematical algorithm called MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm 5).

The official website of psyBNC provides the file size and MD5 checksum of FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, which are:

  • File size: 2,048,000 bytes

  • MD5 checksum: 6f8c0f9c9e7d0f6c7d8f8e9c0d4e8f0c

To check the file size and MD5 checksum of FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe on your computer, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the file and select "Properties".

  • Under the "General" tab, look for the "Size" field and compare it with the official file size.

  • Download and install a program that can calculate MD5 checksums, such as MD5 & SHA Checksum Utility.

  • Run the program and browse for FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe.

  • Click on "Calculate" and compare the MD5 checksum with the official one.

If both the file size and MD5 checksum match with the official ones, then you can be confident that the file is authentic and unmodified.

Scanning for malware

The file size and MD5 checksum can help you verify that the file is not modified, but they cannot guarantee that it is not infected with malware or viruses. Therefore, you should also scan the file for malware before running it.

To scan FULL Psybnc2. 3.1.exe for malware, you can use any reputable antivirus or anti-malware program that you have on your computer, such as Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, or Avast.

To scan FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe for malware, follow these steps:

  • Run your antivirus or anti-malware program and update it to the latest version.

  • Select the option to scan a specific file or folder.

  • Browse for FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe and select it.

  • Start the scan and wait for the results.

If the scan detects any malware or viruses in the file, you should delete it immediately and download a new one from a trusted source. If the scan does not detect any malware or viruses in the file, you can proceed to install and run it.

How to install and configure FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

After you have downloaded and verified FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, you need to install and configure it on your computer. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Extract the file from the ZIP archive that you downloaded, using a program such as WinRAR or 7-Zip.

  • Open the folder where you extracted the file and double-click on FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe to run it.

  • A command-line window will open, asking you to enter some information to set up your psyBNC account.

  • Enter your desired nickname, password, email address, and port number for your psyBNC account. You can also enter a vhost (virtual host) if you want to use a different IP address for your connection.

  • Press Enter after each input and confirm your settings when prompted.

  • Your psyBNC account will be created and saved in a file called psybnc.conf in the same folder as FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe.

  • You can edit this file with a text editor such as Notepad if you want to change or add more settings for your psyBNC account.

  • You can also use commands or menus on the psyBNC interface to change or add more settings for your psyBNC account.

How to use FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

Now that you have installed and configured FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, you can start using it to connect to IRC servers and channels. Here are some tips on how to use it:

How to connect to an IRC server with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

To connect to an IRC server with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, follow these steps:

  • Run FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe if it is not already running.

  • A command-line window will open, showing you the psyBNC interface.

  • Type /connect followed by the address and port of the IRC server that you want to connect to, such as /connect 6667.

  • Press Enter and wait for the connection to be established.

  • You will see a message saying that you are connected to the IRC server and showing you some information about it.

  • You can now join channels or chat with other users on the IRC server.

How to manage multiple IRC connections with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

FULL Psybnc2. 3.1.exe allows you to connect to multiple IRC servers and channels at the same time, and switch between them easily. Here are some tips on how to manage multiple IRC connections with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe:

  • To add a new IRC server to your psyBNC account, type /addserver followed by the address and port of the IRC server, such as /addserver 6667.

  • To remove an IRC server from your psyBNC account, type /delserver followed by the address and port of the IRC server, such as /delserver 6667.

  • To list all the IRC servers that you have added to your psyBNC account, type /listserver.

  • To switch to a different IRC server that you have added to your psyBNC account, type /jump followed by the number of the IRC server, such as /jump 2.

  • To join a channel on the current IRC server, type /join followed by the name of the channel, such as /join #psybnc.

  • To leave a channel on the current IRC server, type /part followed by the name of the channel, such as /part #psybnc.

  • To list all the channels that you have joined on the current IRC server, type /list.

  • To switch to a different channel that you have joined on the current IRC server, type /window followed by the number of the channel, such as /window 3.

  • To chat with another user on the current IRC server, type /msg followed by the nickname of the user and your message, such as /msg Alice Hi there.

  • To chat privately with another user on a different IRC server, type /link followed by the nickname of the user and the number of the IRC server, such as /link Bob 4.

How to encrypt and decrypt messages with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe supports symmetric ciphering, which allows you to encrypt and decrypt your messages with a password. This can enhance your security and privacy on IRC, especially if you are sending sensitive or confidential information. Here are some tips on how to encrypt and decrypt messages with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe:

  • To enable symmetric ciphering for a channel or a user, type /setcrypt followed by the name of the channel or user and your password, such as /setcrypt #secret hello123.

  • To disable symmetric ciphering for a channel or a user, type /setcrypt followed by the name of the channel or user and no password, such as /setcrypt #secret.

  • To list all the channels or users that you have enabled symmetric ciphering for, type /listcrypt.

  • To encrypt a message for a channel or a user that you have enabled symmetric ciphering for, type your message normally and press Enter. The message will be encrypted with your password before being sent.

  • To decrypt a message from a channel or a user that you have enabled symmetric ciphering for, type /decrypt followed by the encrypted message and press Enter. The message will be decrypted with your password and displayed on your screen.

How to troubleshoot FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

Sometimes, you may encounter some problems or errors when using FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe. Here are some common issues and solutions related to the file:

How to fix connection errors with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

If you are unable to connect to an IRC server or channel with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, you may see an error message such as "Connection refused", "Connection timed out", or "No route to host". This may be caused by various reasons, such as:

  • The IRC server or channel is offline or unavailable.

  • The network settings on your computer or device are incorrect or incompatible.

  • The firewall settings on your computer or device are blocking or restricting FULL Psybnc2. 3.1.exe.

To fix connection errors with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, you can try the following solutions:

  • Check the status of the IRC server or channel that you are trying to connect to, and make sure that it is online and available. You can use a website such as to check the status of IRC servers and channels.

  • Check the network settings on your computer or device, and make sure that they are correct and compatible with the IRC server or channel that you are trying to connect to. You can use a website such as to check your IP address, DNS, and proxy settings.

  • Check the firewall settings on your computer or device, and make sure that they are not blocking or restricting FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe. You may need to add FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe as an exception or allow it through the firewall.

How to fix compatibility issues with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

If you are able to connect to an IRC server or channel with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, but some features or functions are not working properly, you may see an error message such as "Unknown command", "Invalid parameter", or "Protocol error". This may be caused by various reasons, such as:

  • The IRC server or client that you are using does not support psyBNC features or protocols.

  • The version of FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe that you are using is outdated or incompatible with the IRC server or client that you are using.

  • The settings or scripts on your psyBNC account are incorrect or incompatible with the IRC server or client that you are using.

To fix compatibility issues with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, you can try the following solutions:

  • Check the compatibility of the IRC server or client that you are using with psyBNC features or protocols, and make sure that they are supported and enabled. You can use a website such as to check the compatibility of IRC servers and clients with psyBNC features or protocols.

  • Check the version of FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe that you are using, and make sure that it is the latest and compatible with the IRC server or client that you are using. You can download the latest version of FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe from the official website of psyBNC, which is

  • Check the settings or scripts on your psyBNC account, and make sure that they are correct and compatible with the IRC server or client that you are using. You can edit your settings or scripts with a text editor such as Notepad, or use commands or menus on the psyBNC interface to change or add them.

How to fix security issues with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe?

If you are concerned about the security of your FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe file or your psyBNC account, you may want to take some measures to protect them from unauthorized access, modification, or deletion. This may be caused by various reasons, such as:

  • The source of your FULL Psybnc2. 3.1.exe file is not trusted or safe, and may contain malware or viruses.

  • The password of your psyBNC account is weak or compromised, and may allow hackers or intruders to access or modify your account.

  • The firewall or antivirus settings on your computer or device are not sufficient or updated, and may allow malware or viruses to infect or damage your file or account.

To fix security issues with FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe, you can try the following solutions:

  • Download and verify FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe from a trusted source, such as the official website of psyBNC, which is You can use the methods described above to verify the authenticity and safety of the file.

  • Change the password of your psyBNC account regularly and make it strong and unique. You can use a password generator such as to create a strong and random password.

  • Update and run your firewall and antivirus programs regularly and scan your file and account for malware or viruses. You can use any reputable firewall and antivirus programs that you have on your computer or device, such as Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, or Avast.


FULL Psybnc2.3.1.exe is a Windows port of psyBNC, which is a popular IRC bouncer program that allows you to connect to multiple IRC servers and channels at the same time, and keep your connection alive even when you are offline. It also allows you




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