Opencv World310.dll Missing
I'm writing program using OpenCV-3.1.0 in Visual Studio 2015. Most of the operations work fine, however, I get an Access Violation error. I have debugged the project, after faceClassifier.load("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml") is executed, the Locals windows displays "Information not available, no symbols loaded for opencv_world310.dll". Here's the code:
Opencv World310.dll Missing
Download opencv_world320.dll below to solve your dll problem. We currently have 1 version available for this file.If you have other versions of this file, please contribute to the community by uploading that dll file.
Errors related to opencv_world320.dll can arise for a few different different reasons. For instance, a faulty application, opencv_world320.dll has been deleted or misplaced, corrupted by malicious software present on your PC or a damaged Windows registry.
In the vast majority of cases, the solution is to properly reinstall opencv_world320.dll on your PC, to the Windows system folder. Alternatively, some programs, notably PC games, require that the DLL file is placed in the game/application installation folder.
opencv_world310.dll problems are generally caused by file corruption, or if the DLL file has been accidentally or maliciously removed from the other Space Engineers files location. The primary way to resolve these problems manually is to replace the DLL file with a fresh copy. Additionally, some opencv_world310.dll errors can be due to incorrect registry references, so we recommend conducting a registry scan to clean up any invalid entries.
These types of errors will normally stop occuring if the correct opencv_world310.dll file version is placed in the right location, but you should double-check that is the case. To confim it's resolved, try starting up Space Engineers to see if the error can be triggered.
These DLL error messages can appear during program installation, while a opencv_world310.dll-related software program (eg. Space Engineers) is running, during Windows startup or shutdown, or even during the installation of the Windows operating system. Documenting opencv_world310.dll problem occasions in Space Engineers is key to determine cause of the Game problems, and reporting them to Keen Software House.
Corruption of opencv_world310.dll happens during unexpected shutdowns, viruses, or other Space Engineers-related issues. When your opencv_world310.dll file becomes corrupt, it cannot be loaded properly and will present an error message.
In other cases, registry problems with opencv_world310.dll can be the source of the Space Engineers problem. These opencv_world310.dll registry problems are due to broken Space Engineers file references. These broken registry keys can be as a result of a missing DLL file, moved DLL file, or an leftover DLL file reference in your Windows registry from an unsuccessful software installation or uninstallation.
The development of Corel VideoStudio Pro 2019 by Corel prompted the latest creation of opencv_world310.dll. It is also known as a Dynamic Link Library file (file extension DLL), which is classified as a type of Win64 DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file.
The first version of opencv_world310.dll was released for the Windows 10 Operating System on 02/12/2019 inside Corel VideoStudio Pro 2019. According to our records, this release is the only version of this file offered by Corel.
Opencv_world310.dll is considered a type of Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file. Dynamic Link Library files, like opencv_world310.dll, are essentially a "guide book" that stores information and instructions for executable (EXE) files - like Setup.exe - to follow. These files were created so that multiple programs (eg. Corel VideoStudio Pro) could share the same opencv_world310.dll file, saving valuable memory allocation, therefore making your computer run more efficiently.
Unfortunately, what makes DLL files so convenient and efficient, also makes them extremely vulnerable to problems. If something happens to a shared DLL file, either it goes missing or gets corrupted in some way, it can generate a "runtime" error message. Runtime is pretty self-explanatory; it means that these errors are triggered when opencv_world310.dll is attempted to be loaded either when Corel VideoStudio Pro is starting up, or in some cases already running. Some of the most common opencv_world310.dll errors include:
Your opencv_world310.dll file could be missing due to accidental deletion, uninstalled as a shared file of another program (shared with Corel VideoStudio Pro), or deleted by a malware infection. Furthermore, opencv_world310.dll file corruption could be caused from a power outage when loading Corel VideoStudio Pro, system crash while loading opencv_world310.dll, bad sectors on your storage media (usually your primary hard drive), or quite commonly, a malware infection. Thus, it's critical to make sure your anti-virus is kept up-to-date and scanning regularly.
If you're encountering one of the error messages above, follow these troubleshooting steps to resolve your opencv_world310.dll issue. These troubleshooting steps are listed in the recommended order of execution.
When the first two steps haven't solved your issue, it might be a good idea to run Windows Update. Many opencv_world310.dll error messages that are encountered can be contributed to an outdated Windows Operating System. To run Windows Update, please follow these easy steps:
If none of the previous three troubleshooting steps have resolved your issue, you can try a more aggressive approach (Note: Not recommended for amateur PC users) by downloading and replacing your appropriate opencv_world310.dll file version. We maintain a comprehensive database of 100% malware-free opencv_world310.dll files for every applicable version of Corel VideoStudio Pro. Please follow the steps below to download and properly replace you file:
GEEK TIP : We must emphasize that reinstalling Windows will be a very time-consuming and advanced task to resolve opencv_world310.dll problems. To avoid data loss, you must be sure that you have backed-up all of your important documents, pictures, software installers, and other personal data before beginning the process. If you are not currently backing up your data, you need to do so immediately.
CAUTION : We strongly advise against downloading and copying opencv_world310.dll to your appropriate Windows system directory. Corel typically does not release Corel VideoStudio Pro DLL files for download because they are bundled together inside of a software installer. The installer's task is to ensure that all correct verifications have been made before installing and placing opencv_world310.dll and all other DLL files for Corel VideoStudio Pro. An incorrectly installed DLL file may create system instability and could cause your program or operating system to stop functioning altogether. Proceed with caution.